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 Recent Connections
Name / Location
Kanani Kaaiawahia B / , -$ 25.00  
Sophina P / , -$ 100.00  
Eva W / , -$ 5.00  
UILANI Y / , -$ 20.00  
Edward S / , -$ 20.00  
Pulouoleola S / , -$ 100.00  
Kanani B / Waianae, Hi-USA$ 50.00  
Curtis K / , -$ 4.00  
Curtis K / Honolulu, Hi-USA$ 2.00  
Curtis K / Honolulu, HI-USA$ 3.00  
Total Collected : $ 329.00
 Also On The Web At

 Highlights & Events
 Calendar   – *WCO is committed to collaboration and communication with any and all communities addressing homelessness/houselessness. All calender items indicate representation from WCO staff. If you need information on any specific meeting that is listed, please call the office at 808 696 5667.

 Highlights   – WCO or Partners of WCO sponsored events which document partnerships in building community.

 Newsletter   – Agency monthly newsletter.

 Family of the Month   – Spot light of families who have successfully moved from unsheltered to shelter.

 Photo Albums   – Photos of Staff, Clients and our Community.

© Waianae Community Outreach. All Rights Reserved.